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but we are home. The last 3 days have been a whirlwind. Regan did not have any complications, in fact, they were going to let us go home on Friday. But Mommy was not ready for that. Kev & I stayed at the hospital that night, completely uncomfortable. She did great except we could have really done without all the interruptions. I mean really she is on 2 different types of monitors do they really have to come in and take vital signs at two in the morning!!!!! At least this hospital had a awesome cafeteria and Kev & I were living on caffeine all weekend. Saturday was the day we went back to the HavenHouse. Of course it was freezing again, taped vent ducts and all. Grandma & Grandpa came back with us. Grandma was the miracle worker getting her to calm down and sleep, mommy – not so much. In hindsight we should have kept her up the rest of the day. We had the night from HELL!!!!! She did not sleep for more than 2 hours the entire night. I felt bad for Kev since he had to drive home the next day but mommy was losing her mind too. Nothing would help her, standing, rocking, sitting, crib, swaying, carseat, food, tylenol. It was brutal. So by Sunday Kev & I are operating on about 6 hours sleep total for the last 2 nights. Can you say Mt. Dew! We got packed up early and woke up Grandma & Grandpa early too. We needed a break. Even if it was just for 20 minutes for breakfast. We went to their hotel and ate there. (The Drury Inn is very nice I might add, warm breakfast too) After we all ate we hit the road. Prepared for a nightmare, of course, Regan did great, after her whopper poop diaper. Oh yeah, didn’t think about that being the problem. She slept pretty much the entire way home. At least I could take naps (poor daddy). We made it home without incident and kept her awake until bedtime. She actually slept from 9-2 and then 3-6. Ah finally some sleep!!!! She is still uncomfortable with the swollen tongue, but it should be going down from here on out. She is actually trying to put some things in her mouth. Not her bottle but it is a start!! They said usually around day 5 they will not be so averse to it. Here’s praying she starts eating because she & I both hate feeding her through her g-tube. Miss Grabby Pants just wants to play with the tube we put the food into, and mommy just panics about her grabbing it the whole time. I have been taking some pics, but they are not for public sight. Really it is kind of gross, but if anyone is interested I can email you or show you next time I see you. So lets all pray for some more sleep tonight!!! 🙂

June 2008


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